Canadian here- I am so jealous of your plastic bags!😭
2024-08-12 22:19:49
corypd :
Either I’m adjusting to inflation or that was a great haul for $336!! 😂 You fabulous girl! ✨✨
2024-08-12 19:44:27
Jade 🧡✨️ :
my biggest potty training tip is using timers and instead of asking, just say "let's try to go potty!"
2024-08-12 20:49:18
Kaitwyn :
I like how you pronounce bags!!
2024-08-12 19:39:28
Momof3 :
Your baby bump is adorable 🥰🥰 ♥️
2024-08-12 19:35:23
✨Alyssa✨🇨🇦 :
you got so much for a good price !! In Canada that would be atleast 450-500 dollars 😩
2024-08-12 20:28:41
jojo :
I used to let my son sink the cherrios... and I've also given kiddos a white board marker and sat them backwards on the potty and let them draw on the lid.
2024-08-12 21:10:54
Crystal Cakes :
I could not get my daughter to go. I searched the internet for hours and the craziest thing kept popping up. Sprinkles. And it worked. Once she #2 in her diaper I plopped it in the toilet and let her
2024-08-12 20:25:36
Lorena :
You know you’re getting big on TikTok when I have to actually put your name in to search for your videos😂💚💚
2024-08-12 20:00:02
Taylor Marie :
We pushed it too soon and when we retried a few months later it was way easier!
2024-08-12 19:42:18
Katïę :
You’re glowing 🥹🥹🥹
2024-08-12 19:36:36
kas8604 :
Take every 30-45 minutes and give a small piece of candy if they go (m&m, skittle, smarties)
2024-08-22 18:57:28
katelynskitchen :
This shirt looks so cute on you!
2024-08-12 21:13:53
SaltlifeVB :
I feel like you got a ton of food for $336. 😊 I need you to do my shopping. 😂
2024-08-12 19:44:41
Alexandra Najera :
Lip color is giving!!💕
2024-08-12 19:35:29
CorbinBoys :
the potty watch off Amazon
2024-08-14 01:06:15
user3191674762387 :
2024-08-13 10:39:18
cayladurrence1 :
Stickers, favorite snacks or candy, set a timer instead of saying let’s go to the potty
2024-08-13 01:59:20
Logan Smith :
Your makeup looks so great!
2024-08-13 01:17:23
ddraheim3 :
Set a timer for every 30 minutes and have them sit on the toilet for 5 min and try. If they go they get an m&m and then the timer can be moved to an hour that time. Give them special books to look at
2024-08-13 00:27:09
JAMI_withno_E :
they have stickers that change color when they go in the potty and when you rinse it with cold water it disappears
2024-08-12 21:20:31
ma.ran.duhh :
Do you have WIC? I am 26 weeks pregnant and I get 4gallons 47$ in fruit and veggies and a lot other things for free a month! So worth it!
2024-08-12 21:12:18
AmGold :
I got my son Spider-Man (his favorite hero) undies and told him spidey doesn’t want to be peed on. BOOM he was potty trained 🤣
2024-08-12 21:07:48
louisabonin :
I love how attentive you are to them no matter what you were doing
2024-08-12 20:37:52
Lolorich :
The best tip I’ve used is a potty train chart. I got one on Amazon and it came with stickers and everytime my son goes potty he puts a sticker on the chart and when he fills it he gets a treat or prize. He is officially potty trained! 🥰
2024-08-12 20:10:14
Basil and Bell :
Put the child on the toilet every hour even if they don’t have to go. Tell them if they go it’s magic. My kids thought they were magic every time they went even if they said they didn’t have to go.
2024-08-12 19:56:18
Sable Jedamski :
Potty watch, it has a timer that goes off or set a timer! Sticker charts or candy everytime the use the bathroom on the toilet! Lifesaver when I was a daycare teacher🙌🏻
2024-08-12 19:46:08
rachelkoivisto :
I did a timer with my twins every 15mins and gave them apple juice it makes them pee.
2024-08-14 16:03:17
Monica avalos :
2024-08-14 00:04:03
the_krause_khaos :
We have a puppy dog timer here (a timer that looks like a puppy dog) that wonderful! When the timer goes off we go to the potty, they get so excited when the puppy timer goes off 😂
2024-08-13 10:45:04
Tara :
i used to work at a preschool and found boys are a lot harder than girls lol we did a trick and had them sit backwards on the potty with a dry erase marker and let them draw on the lid while they try.
2024-08-13 01:45:09
Alli :
A sticker chart is good for potty training and as someone else said setting a timer every 15-30 minutes and they sit on the potty
2024-08-12 23:13:31
Alli :
That is a big grocery haul. Some good stuff in there!!!
2024-08-12 23:12:29
ilikethislittlelife12 :
You can’t do this at daycare but if the parents have a day or two to stay home. Which I know it can be tough. But let them run around with no diaper, pull up or undies on.
2024-08-12 22:50:00
Britt_M1124 :
I would love to hear the tips you get for boys. My girls when they turned 4 I took away the diaper and it’s like it clicked I had maybe one or two accidents the first week then nothing.
2024-08-12 21:29:13
michellewashingt80 :
the potty training I was speaking about
2024-08-12 20:24:40
Lynnette Dawn Brandt :
That’s a lot of bags, I miss plastic bags😫😫😫😅😂
2024-09-27 07:40:48
Jeneane :
Mini M&m’s and stickers are the key to any kid I have potty trained before!
2024-09-10 13:43:25
Southern_Bariatric_Bebe :
I have no idea on potty training! My older 2 were extremely easy but this last one is completely different for many reasons & I'm struggling!!
2024-09-08 00:58:45
fefepoo1 :
we have 1 m&m for pee and 2 for poop
2024-09-07 23:39:03
Taylor :
I swear this would cost $500 where I live😭
2024-09-05 23:54:11
Dawn :
Do you have an extra fridge & freezer for daycare food? ❤️
2024-09-02 19:21:04
💛🐈 makaela 🥜😩⚰️ :
bowl of candy (m&ms or skittles) in bathroom an they get a couple after potty on toilet
2024-09-01 18:29:57
Jen :
I was a single mom of boys and I taught them to pee on a tree and then the toliet just came easier
2024-09-01 15:11:02
ALines :
Potty timer. They sit every time the timer goes off so it’s not you nagging them and it’s a fun thing like yay potty timer
2024-08-31 21:17:26
KelliColors :
Make it a game with a timer. Show enthusiasm when the timer goes off and keep it consistent.
2024-08-30 23:01:33
tennesseegirly1985 :
The big thing to potty training is consistency
2024-08-27 19:54:11
user9527169100807 :
2024-08-25 23:54:53
Chantel Peavler :
this made me laugh! when my daughter went to Daycare her provider said "if you have to potty tell Dawn" So when she came home she would say "tell Dawn" when she had to potty.
2024-08-25 18:01:17
Reesie 🇨🇦 :
Cucumber not in stock is everywhere 😅
2024-08-25 14:40:16
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