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大二爷伯 (大爷伯和二爷伯)#黑白无常 #capcut #tuayapek大爷伯 黑白无常,又称范谢将军、大二老爷、大二爷伯、七爷八爷或大爷二爷。是民俗传说中的一对神祇,也是最有名的「鬼差」,手执脚镣手铐,专职缉拿鬼魂、协助赏善罚恶,也常为阎罗王、城隍、东岳大帝、王爷等具有司法神职能之神祇的部将。 白无常名叫谢必安,面白如粉,穿白衣服,戴白色的高帽,高帽之上,写着四个字:“你也来了”(或“一见生财”)。手持白色哭丧棒,全身都是白色, 只有吐出来的长舌头是鲜红色的,现出十分诡异的笑容。;黑无常名叫范无救,一切和白无常相反,都是黑色的。高帽上的四个字是“正在捉你”(或“天下太平”),但身材矮胖哭丧著脸,看来十分悲苦。 据说,谢范二人自幼结义,情同手足。有一天,两人相偕走至南台桥下,天将下雨,七爷要八爷稍待,回家拿伞,岂料七爷走后,雷雨倾盆,河水暴涨,八爷不愿失约,竟因身材矮小,被水淹死,不久七爷取伞赶来,八爷已失踪,七爷痛不欲生,吊死在桥柱(所以很多白无常的形象是伸著长长的红舌)。阎王爷嘉勋其信义深重,命他们在城隍爷前捉拿不法之徒。有人说,谢必安,就是酬谢神明则必安;范无救,就是犯法的人无救,当然这都是汉族民间传说。也有人说白无常接引善人之魂魄转世投胎,黑无常则是缉拿恶人魂魄入地狱。Black and White Impermanence, also known as General Fan Xie, Da Er Lao Ye, Da Er Ye Bo, Seven Ye Eight Ye, or Da Ye Er Ye, are a pair of deities in folk legends, also the most famous
大二爷伯 (大爷伯和二爷伯)#黑白无常 #capcut #tuayapek大爷伯 黑白无常,又称范谢将军、大二老爷、大二爷伯、七爷八爷或大爷二爷。是民俗传说中的一对神祇,也是最有名的「鬼差」,手执脚镣手铐,专职缉拿鬼魂、协助赏善罚恶,也常为阎罗王、城隍、东岳大帝、王爷等具有司法神职能之神祇的部将。 白无常名叫谢必安,面白如粉,穿白衣服,戴白色的高帽,高帽之上,写着四个字:“你也来了”(或“一见生财”)。手持白色哭丧棒,全身都是白色, 只有吐出来的长舌头是鲜红色的,现出十分诡异的笑容。;黑无常名叫范无救,一切和白无常相反,都是黑色的。高帽上的四个字是“正在捉你”(或“天下太平”),但身材矮胖哭丧著脸,看来十分悲苦。 据说,谢范二人自幼结义,情同手足。有一天,两人相偕走至南台桥下,天将下雨,七爷要八爷稍待,回家拿伞,岂料七爷走后,雷雨倾盆,河水暴涨,八爷不愿失约,竟因身材矮小,被水淹死,不久七爷取伞赶来,八爷已失踪,七爷痛不欲生,吊死在桥柱(所以很多白无常的形象是伸著长长的红舌)。阎王爷嘉勋其信义深重,命他们在城隍爷前捉拿不法之徒。有人说,谢必安,就是酬谢神明则必安;范无救,就是犯法的人无救,当然这都是汉族民间传说。也有人说白无常接引善人之魂魄转世投胎,黑无常则是缉拿恶人魂魄入地狱。Black and White Impermanence, also known as General Fan Xie, Da Er Lao Ye, Da Er Ye Bo, Seven Ye Eight Ye, or Da Ye Er Ye, are a pair of deities in folk legends, also the most famous "ghost messengers," who carry handcuffs and shackles, dedicated to capturing ghosts, assisting in rewarding good and punishing evil. They often serve as the subordinates of judicial gods such as Yanluo Wang, Cheng Huang, Dongyue Dadi, and Wang Ye. White Impermanence, named Xie Bi'an, has a white face, wears white clothes, and a white high hat inscribed with the words "You've also come" (or "Fortune upon first sight"). He holds a white mourning staff, with his whole body in white except for his long red tongue, showing a very eerie smile. Black Impermanence, named Fan Wujiu, is the opposite of White Impermanence, entirely in black. The four characters on his high hat read "Currently capturing you" (or "Peace under heaven"), but he appears short, chubby, and mournful. Legend has it that Xie and Fan became sworn brothers since childhood. One day, while walking together to Nan Tai Bridge, a sudden rainstorm came. Xie asked Fan to wait while he went home for an umbrella. Unexpectedly, as soon as Xie left, a torrential rain flooded the area, and Fan, being short, was swept away and drowned. When Xie returned with the umbrella, he found Fan missing and, grief-stricken, hanged himself on a bridge pillar (which is why many depictions of White Impermanence show him with a long, red tongue). Yān Wáng Yé praised their deep friendship and entrusted them with the task of apprehending wrongdoers before Cheng Huang Ye. Some say Xie Bi'an signifies thanking the gods, hence the tranquility; while Fan Wujiu represents no salvation for the lawless, though these are all Han Chinese folk beliefs. Others claim White Impermanence guides the souls of good people to reincarnation, while Black Impermanence captures the souls of evil people and sends them to hell.
