I had a daughter who is very hyperactive impulsive adhd and an escape artist… she was a leash kid on the beach or big cities
2024-08-13 19:15:38
RADx4 :
ever lost your energetic kid in an amusement park?
2024-08-16 02:51:33
What_In_The_Actual_F×@k :
Absolutely amazed what people think is ok behavior. That's CRAZY!!! Leashes are for animals..
2024-08-13 19:10:06
lindsay :
I thought that too. I thought it was absolutely ridiculous until I had my son who gets overwhelmed and panics- He runs when he gets overwhelmed. I still don't use a leash but I can see why people do.
2024-08-14 13:14:42
Bruce Szabo :
Don’t blame the parent, blame society and creepers that want to take your child.
2024-08-14 11:50:46
me :
jus different is all dont hate
2024-08-13 20:47:45
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