@glamzilla: NEVER HAVE I EVER : Walked Like A Model 😎 After losing 235 pounds I have been on a major self acceptance and confidence journey. Today I am so proud of myself. I took a runway class with the top runway coach in Canada Jessica Gregory and it was worth every penny. I never would’ve done something like this and I’m so happy that I did since learning how to catwalk has been on my bucket list for years! If you’re reading this and on your own journey : I just want you to know that you get there right when you’re supposed to. And when you finally get there… It feels surreal. But the sad truth is, as humans, as women, we are always evolving…. so right when you think you’re the best version of yourself… You discover a new part of you! The journey to self confidence, self acceptance and self love never actually ends so be positive and enjoy today! Always choose you and always give yourself grace ❤️ I love you so much thank you for watching. #selfconfi#selfconfidence #plussizes#weightloss