@recoveringblacksheep: This is your chance to get it all out, heal so you can slowly let it go. “You’ll regret that when I d!e” “I hope it fits you” “You have nothing to be depressed about” And I am sure there is many more I have suppressed a lot #parents #parentalalienation #trauma #traumahealing #recovering #generationaltrauma #cyclebreaker #cyclebreakers #generationalcurses #generationalcursebreaker #MomsofTikTok #millennialsoftiktok #childhoodtrauma #traumabond #narcmom #momsanddaughters #singleparent #narcmomcheck #toxicmomcheck #toxicmom #toxicparent #toxicparentcheck
“I never had to worry about you. That’s why I have always done more for your brother and sister. I knew you would be fine.”
2024-08-15 14:53:55
Lauren :
“ I’m sorry you feel that way”
2024-08-14 23:41:41
Cindy :
My mother told me (with absolute disgust and a sneer on her face) “ you’re just like your father”
2024-08-14 22:54:25
mrspeggyhill :
“I don’t remember any of that.”
2024-08-21 13:35:07
C L A R Y🇺🇸🇵🇷 :
My mom used to tell me”you’re so hard to love. Why are you so sensitive” I carried that my whole life. It has affected my relationship with other people.
2024-08-14 22:59:54
Ash ✨ :
1000 passive aggressive things that don’t warrant a response but tore me down over year and years.
2024-08-15 00:12:34
Danielle Touhey :
Any time I ever expressed something that hurt my feelings they would say “stop being so sensitive.” And now I always respond I’m fine
2024-08-15 19:16:51
Redheadedfury :
My mother told me if I was skinnier I'd be pretty. I am still haunted by that...
2024-08-15 01:24:17
OutcastFury :
Their silence when I needed them
2024-08-15 15:29:11
Lauri :
I have a great mom , but she constantly told me I was too chubby to wear certain styles in middle school . I weighed 105 at 5’5😩
2024-08-15 00:17:02
Sheena Marie :
My mother told me she had to love me but she didn’t have to like me. She died and I still think about it.
2024-08-15 21:00:24
Boring_Old_Guy :
Too many to list. It was not just one thing, but a neverending series.
2024-08-14 19:27:59
Monina Bajaj :
"Why do you have to keep it Katie? Nobody's gonna love that baby. Your brothers aren't gonna love it. I'm not gonna love it. you should just get rid of it".... She is the light my life now
2024-08-15 18:34:16
jenjen :
I'm 52,always felt this,but 2 yrs ago while taking care of my mom,she tells everyone she'd been better off not having me,then looks at me & says what?
2024-08-14 19:17:05
Movealongrhonda :
“What did you do to deserve it?”
2024-08-14 20:00:04
abrand2023 :
When explaining to my mom that I felt like I always came in last, she said "In every family theres someone who has to sacrifice more than everyone else. In our family, that's you."
2024-08-14 18:57:21
theusedgurl :
Every convo I have with my dad becomes something new to be devastated by
2024-08-14 21:44:13
Katesterbabe13 :
“You’re my rock, I can come to you about anything and everything unlike your sisters.” So draining and parentifying to hear that from your caregiver
2024-08-18 16:46:37
prayforpeaceinourworld231 :
No warning, "You're 17 now so it's time for you to move out. We found a bed for you at a youth shelter in a different city. Pack a bag your father will drive you. 1of2
2024-10-08 01:34:26
BlueDuck :
My dad claims that I was spoiled. I often went hungry, didn’t have clean clothes, denied love, protection and affection. So that comment was hurtful and bizarre.
2024-08-14 19:00:26
Lava_plan3t :
My mom called me while drunk saying she was tired of my attitude and didn’t want to talk to me anymore. This was after I had told her she had cut me out of my dad’s funeral. So I confronted her while sober and laid out why I would be NC with her. It’s been 8 years and she’s fallen harder into her alcoholism/drugs.
2024-08-14 19:51:23
SagaciousSaga :
"What, did you think you were something special?" After she found her husband had SA'd me for years....
2024-08-22 02:55:14
Shelby H :
Statement as in one? There was many that took the glimmer out of my eyes unfortunately.
2024-08-14 22:38:59
Mrs12thManGamer :
There are a few 🤣 (After I told her my Dad threatened to hit me after shouting at me for having a different opinion) "well I don't know anything about that/there's nothing I can do about it"...
2024-10-09 19:16:22
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