Rule is, that you use types… until you require a feature of interfaces
2024-08-17 13:03:32
Eversince :
interface is literally more extensible, types don’t have some of the stuff interfaces have i forget exactly what tho, interface was introduced first and is standard
2024-08-17 07:36:10
Javier :
Types and interfaces are not from React. they come from TypeScript. This explanation may be confusing for a newbie
2024-08-15 14:09:52
M K :
This is typescript and has nothing to do with react
2024-08-25 23:56:17
soughtopossum :
I don't think that should use just one or the other tbh. both have their good use cases within a TS repo.
2024-08-18 01:24:33
BX :
These are more complimentary than interchangeable. types are used within interfaces.
2024-08-16 05:09:53
iiankelly :
Types can make Union while Interfaces strict to object.
Interface can be merged properties while Types doesn't.
The rest are interchangeable, stay consistent
2024-08-17 14:07:22
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