so pretty much if your dog is hot and thirsty, it's going to take them 20 minutes compared to 2 trying to get the same amount of water🤔
2024-08-15 15:18:35
zfinder993 :
This is more for a cat. Cats prefer to drink moving water.
2024-12-11 12:49:33
PRogers :
I have this and I love it. It filters the dirt and stuff out so it’s not sitting in the bowl and I don’t have water all over the floor any more. I have an Aussie and an Aussie/Border Collie mix.
2024-08-30 00:53:56
Todd Maynard :
Can We see them drinking
2024-08-15 22:25:51
Nor Cal Guardians :
I have Cane Corsos and i would think this would be so bad w the slob
2024-08-15 18:07:33
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