@animaltalkz: Discovering Giants: A Day at the Water Pit on Day 28 of Aquaculture Description: Join me on the 28th day of our fish and shrimp cultivation adventure as I take on a major project to dam up a local water pit after recent rains. Armed with my trusted 1998 scoop net and essential fishing tools, I dive into the muddy depths to uncover some fascinating creatures. Watch as I unearth a giant loach, catch a slippery little electric eel, and find a host of other aquatic wildlife including crayfish and tadpoles. Despite the physical challenge and minimal rewards, the thrill of discovery keeps us going. See the big tail I found hidden in the grass and share the excitement of each catch. Stay tuned to see how these new members adapt to their new home in my fish pond! Hashtags: #AquacultureAdventures #Loach #ElectricEel #Crayfish #TadpoleRescue #Fishing #FishingDay #MuddyWaters #Nature #NatureLovers #WaterPit #Fish #FishPondLife #EcoFishing #CatchOfTheDay #TikTokFishing #fyp #foryou #satisfying #interesting #rurallife