@saysdotcom: Konnichiwa!! ☺️ We sent our resident otaku fangirl to her first cosplay competition in Japan. 🙌🏻 (as an audience ye bukan representative 😅) Thanks to iSekai Walker and @JAPAN TOUR AGENCY , we were able to support Team Cendol, the Malaysian representatives @Rikka🧡 | Chiheisen ID 2024 and @Tea Kyandy IN PERSON. Min amazed tengok their outfits and dedication. 🤩 (sis could never) Btw korang pernah dengar tak about the World Cosplay Summit? Kalau siapa yang baru tahu tu meh tengok our girlie explain and share her experience! 😊 #worldcosplaysummit #wcs2024 #wcs #nagoya #osuparade #cosplayers #cosplay #saysfyp #isekaiwalker #joyparadise