@ben_yanes: Rounding your back on any exercise can't be good or bad in absolute - that’s like saying that bending your wrist or elbow is bad - it makes no sense. Whether or not an individual experiences pain, discomfort, or injury depends on many different variables, all of which are individual-specific. The amount of tolerance that I may have for spine-rounding in a deadlift is different from the tolerance that you may have. This changes because of anatomical and strength differences between us, but also because of what we expose ourselves to acutely and chronically (and HOW we expose ourselves to those stresses). If someone has built up the capacity to deadlift heavy loads with a rounded spine and hasn’t gotten injured in doing so, it likely means that they have appropriately graded exposure to those positions, volumes, and loads intelligently over a long enough time period where sustaining those positions, loads, and volumes is manageable. If you get hurt while your back is rounded, it doesn't mean that the back rounding was the cause of the injury or of pain. It may simply mean that you didn't grade tolerance levels appropriately to handle task demands. Instead of making black-and-white claims about what will be good and bad for everyone, we should look for the gray and rather focus on why just as many people who DON’T round their backs have pain rates that are as high as those who do. Join the Modern Meathead Community for 7 days FREE at my bio link (cancel anytime). I post exclusive content in the community every single day, and you’ll get instant access to over 50 hours of content, including courses, Q&As, ebooks, programs, a full exercise library, and more.

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Saturday 17 August 2024 14:37:52 GMT




Lukas :
They're not hating on the exercice or weight. They're just trying to prevent her from future injuries because of her bad form.
2024-08-17 15:06:03
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