@mimsymars: “Nobody wants to work anymore” NOBODY WANTS TO CHAT WITH MULTIPLE AI BOTS. It WOULDN’T EVEN LET ME UPLOAD A RESUME #unemployed #jobs #resume #jobmarket #minimumwage #waitress
I literally had one of those that said "Things Happen to Me" and like.. what are they even asking for????
2024-08-19 18:03:32
🦕Brookiosaurus :
Even if they design the perfect personality quiz, it becomes useless when participants know that employers are going to see their results
2024-08-19 19:29:39
johnalberseart :
I got sent a questionnaire that required 10 pages of written responses including the question “how would your high school classmates describe you” for a SENIOR SOFTWARE ENGINEERING ROLE
2024-08-19 19:38:29
M0R3design :
As a student looking for a job I know how tough it is, but please just don't proceed when you see stuff like this. Or give obviously bad answers.
Also don't apply to jobs that don't list wage ranges.
2024-10-04 11:23:27
Pool Boy @ the Vampire Mansion :
no please there's a question on that that's like "sometimes things happen to me" like????????
2024-08-26 14:51:13
TiberiusBloodhammer :
"Resists temptation"
*taking fruit*
🤨......... Am I selecting that I'd resist like the words say, or that I'd be the person taking it like the picture shows?
2024-08-19 19:40:08
Cameron :
I feel like the first one is a trap. Like they don’t want you thinking of a better future.
2024-08-19 18:42:38
Dasatropolis :
they think by making questions inscrutable you'll answer "honestly" instead of having everything be as obvious as "is stealing company product ok?" but it only makes the data *less* useful. so bad 😂
2024-08-27 05:19:25
unaesthetic_depression :
I had to take this applying for McDonald’s I think…..I haven’t heard back from them
2024-08-26 19:33:57
Pri_Roxx :
na, don't tell me in a perfect world I can't eat a donut >:[
2024-08-19 21:17:55
Callie :
I got asked about a time I changed someone’s mind on politics in an interview for a receptionist position. I didn’t know that was part of the job.
2024-08-20 07:04:18
Rinzler9999 :
And it's so obvious which one to choose that will help you get the job 💀
2024-08-26 21:14:57
George :
I have done that exact quiz before 😭😭
2024-10-03 12:40:04
👁️👄👁️ :
I was asked to chose between “I like to flaunt my money by buying expensive stuff” or “I don’t like learning new things”, and none of them suit me at all?????? I said no when they asked me to come in
2024-10-07 15:39:11
Parker :
employers don't know what's in these application sites. it's all third party data collection
2024-09-18 18:22:24
☠︎★ 𝖈 ★☠︎ :
like why am i being quizzed over being a hostess. and they’re trick questions too🙄
2024-08-20 14:45:00
Izaida ☭ :
"imagine a perfect world" shows capitalism, today.
2024-08-29 14:47:41
Gribble :
Business majors’ work. It’s like majoring in another 4 years of high school, but hopefully your friends’ dad hires you at the end.
2024-08-19 21:20:31
shroombard :
honestly, it's giving "me"
2024-10-07 12:50:04
A Fax Twin🍉 :
It is to see if you are able to put up with corporate BS
2024-10-04 10:11:48
🌺Damien🇸🇻 :
Oh i just stop applying to jobs like that. Ive broken
2024-08-26 17:23:38
mintmage :
Haha that is so me
2024-08-19 18:25:37
pársnipt :
and then the only ones that are relevant to the job are like “can you handle being consistently verbally abused by customers”
2024-08-20 03:32:47
. :
omg I think they had me doing the exact same test for an entry level job at Action 💀
2024-10-07 10:10:20
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