@transition_justice: "You have to picture your child at 20, 30, 40, 50 years old... what is their life going to look like then?" #transitionjustice #protectourkids #genderaffirmingcare #socialtransition #parentingadvice #genderideology
Waltz passed a law in his home state that if u refuse your child transitioning, the state can take custody of them. He is running for VP now.
2024-08-21 20:29:53
user6863798165514 :
I’m literally stunned that so many parents are so easily brainwashed to betray their own children
2024-08-21 19:53:55
sebastianahoff :
Tell them to wait till they are 18. When going through your teens every Child is Confused!
2024-09-06 06:30:55
Jennifer David Gareiss :
It’s such a horrific tragedy that any adult would harm their own child this way. Everyone one of them eventually regrets it.💔
2024-08-21 20:18:14
Casey renzi ☺️ :
2024-08-24 20:58:28
Lisa From Texas :
2024-08-21 23:39:13
Unsolicited_Opinion :
How about the old ways of telling boys.dresses are for girls. you are a boy, a strong, handsome boy. You are not a girl. Is that too hard? Kids will believe whatever you tell them to believe. Why lie?
2024-08-26 00:45:05
AshleyvsmyGPA :
some trans ppl wouldn’t make it to 20,30,40,50 if they don’t transition. if you believe a dead kid is better then a trans kid then you simply don’t deserve one
2024-08-22 01:40:22
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