@cnetdotcom: We're just as thrown off as you are by this 🙃 Chick-Fil-A is reportedly moving aggressively to launch a number of original content for its own #streaming service, according to Deadline. The company has been working with a number of production companies, including some to create family-friendly reality shows. It is also in talks to license and acquire content. It’s said that Brian Gibson, who has worked on the Top Gear remake and Fox’s adaptation of The X Factor, is taking the helm on the programming side and has been in talks with many producers. Deadline reports that budgets on the reality tv side are in the range of $400,000 per half-hour. Sources say that the company is looking to launch their streaming service later this year and are in talks to develop and acquire both scripted and animated projects. Is Chick-Fil-A's chicken good enough to make you try their streaming service when it's rolled out? #chickfila #streamingservice #news #report #waitwhat #briangibson #streamingtok