The ultramarine says this but the emperor himself stated that Vulcan is his favorite son because he is the most human of the primarchs
2024-08-23 18:41:33
Lock_on :
for a salamander this is not weakness but strength 💪
2024-08-23 17:36:18
Armaros “The First Blade” :
Ultramarines are literally so caught up in the propaganda of the imperium that they forget what they are fighting for
2024-08-23 19:24:43
Siege Enjoyer :
really shows how wide the gap is ultramarines are considered the second best chapter in terms of how they treat mortals but yet the Salamanders still outclass them by miles.
2024-08-23 20:38:29
Mathew Mercury :
Love how the salamander is missing a arm and homie just talking like it’s normal
2024-08-23 21:07:00
vpb317 :
Question for warhammer fans was it often for different space marines to work with each other?
2024-08-23 18:19:21
💚 Super Serrano 💚 :
“Are we to trade Axioms now?” Bro really asked if he wanted to go Bar for Bar.
2024-08-23 21:34:43
Dillon :
Inb4 endless salamander glazing and everyone vilifying the ultramarines
2024-08-23 18:01:25
CaptainMandalore :
I hear a heart and a mind in deep conversation
2024-08-23 18:35:29
Onyx Arclight :
I’d rather be “too human” than not human enough. As Father Vulkan has commanded us to be.
2024-08-23 17:59:35
The Moth Father :
Salamanders are the only hope in see in the human imperium tbh other chapters having their humanity excised from them makes their long term victories hollow 🤔
2024-08-23 18:57:15
Me :
Too many Ultras are too rigid in their following of the Codex and such. Gman really needs to have a talk with his boys
2024-08-23 18:41:39
Bill Blackburn :
yo where can I watch this
2024-08-23 19:49:39
Adam :
are there Warhammer 40k movies? or is this something fan made?
2024-08-23 21:40:11
Mutt :
This vexes me.
2024-08-23 17:20:15
andrewpmiller :
How do you watch this??
2024-09-28 09:04:10
caniaccomboluvr :
i love the salamanders
2024-08-23 17:04:59
Gobsathoth :
The more I see the Salamanders the more I like them. I've always been interested in 40k lore but if I were to pick a chapter of Space Marines for the table top it would be them.
2024-08-23 22:20:08
jugo1211 :
Can someone tell me the difference between the two
2024-08-24 20:06:27
defyingpenguin :
I love when 2 different chapters talk about their different perspectives on their duty
2024-08-23 18:46:30
Ian McReynolds :
Is this a new Pariah Nexus episode? I thought we only got the ones from 2023
2024-08-23 19:06:15
Zanderesque :
what is this from?
2024-08-23 17:15:15
user8423556842348 :
Well, the ultra Marines were the ones to bring everything back up and there’s sometimes right about things / I wish that was a salamander terminator walking along side with an ultramarine apothecary
2024-08-23 16:47:45
Michael Galloway :
40k has this thing now where they try really really hard to paint the space marines as some sympathetic figures and it really takes away from how brutal the universe is meant to be. Like this is a
2024-08-27 08:18:07
Clayton Taylor :
dude we need more chapters talking to salamanders about their beliefs an what they fight for.
2024-08-23 19:43:57
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