@courtney.hollidayy: Hi friends 😜 My names Courtney! I had bariatric surgery 17 months ago - aka they cut 80% of my stomach out lol. I have battled with my weight for 10 years alongside PCOS , Rheumatoid & ADHD - then sprinkle on some anxiety 😅 I have done anything from macros to getting a coach, to CrossFit & meal preps to keto for a year and so many other lifestyles. VSG absolutely changed my life. & ill never regret it. I’ve lost 95 lbs and i share my lifestyle and recipes that have gotten me by BEFORE surgery & now after. I still have ice cream & french fries but now its in moderation & ‘just’ a treat where as before it was an addiction. I share with you supplements that are amazing for your gut & health & linking arms with you to encourage you just to make small changes WHERE you can & helping you realize you dont have to be ALL OR NOTHING - bc me personally.. that leads me to bingeing . These ARE the best greens ever bc they are also packed with vitamins & supplements - i broke my stall finally - my skin is flawless - my hair is growing & my bloat is gone. THIS is where i believe everyone shoulr startx You dont need to make some life altering decision and diet change to introduce a good product in your life. You just need to start,🏁 Commit to 30 days of greens Commit to 30 days of getting water in Commit to 30 days of YOU.