@fatlipcollective: There's no way you're gonna sit there and watch this an tell me you haven't got any lights out on either your climate control or your dash on your 90s Nissan... It's one of those things that you only think about when you actually need it. But then it's dark already and you're freezing to your bones because you stepped in a big puddle of water in the hills and now you're trying to clutch kick with a frozen foot because you can't switch to floor heating... DW, I got you. Although this is on my C34 Stagea, the same technique should work for S-chassis and a range of other cars! These particular lamps aren't physically the same size in diameter and also shorter than the two top OEM ones it seems to have made little negative effect - still going strong almost 18 months later and everything is visible. This same technique will also work for replacing the dash lamps as well (odometer, backlights etc). I got these ones from @jaycar_electronics but the name you're looking to search is "grain of wheat" globe or "lamp". Let me know what you think! ✌️