@high.center.of.gravity: Not to mention that all of the people who actually say yes can still get sick the weekend of the party. #birthdayparty #toddlersoftiktok #parents
we go to EVERY party we can bc I never want a kid to be devastated
2024-08-25 17:34:56
mjandpginthedmv :
everyone comes to the 1st birthday but when you start to branch out to "their friends"🤞 My sons 2yo party is over Labor Day Weekend, who's coming then? happy birthday to your Little!!
2024-08-24 13:18:20
Mediocre mama :
My son got 2 invites for prek bday parties…Held in a town 25 minutes from us. Don’t be that person and people should come! (We passed)
2024-08-24 13:11:57
ule175877 :
I found the anxiety over parties disappears after a couple of years as the kids friendship group starts an adult friendship group and then you know everyone well enough for it not to be an issue
2024-08-24 13:33:29
Winjewell :
I go to every party we get invited to because no kid is going to have a guest-less party on my watch.
2024-09-07 04:54:15
Brittany Newhook :
It helps to check with 1-2 of their best friends to make sure the date works, then don’t worry about who else comes :) my kids have enjoyed their smaller parties best!
2024-08-25 12:05:44
i.am.a.gd.delight :
My 5 year old’s party is today. It’s the first time we invited friends she requested and not just our friends/family and their kids. I am stressed out.
2024-08-24 15:22:09
farwy :
this is my biggest fear bc i know that if my child were ever bullied i would throw up on the floor
2024-08-25 15:06:15
Em Troyan :
When I threw my sons first birthday party I was so stressed I can’t believe I have to do that 17 more times
2024-08-27 01:04:52
Poppies 🆘🇺🇸 :
We just did my 5yo first
2024-08-25 00:29:22
JV133 :
as a momma to a kid that invited the entire class and only one person came, we will never NOT go when my kids get an invite
2024-09-07 21:13:34
user3913955280846 :
The way this stress has aged me 😭
2024-09-05 00:26:25
Frolikinfields :
That’s why we love a family party. I will personally guarantee attendance by checking everyone’s schedule far in advance.
2024-08-26 16:17:52
sarahcarolinebeck :
We always check with a my kids closest friend or two when we pick the date so we know that at least they will be there! Relieves some of the stress 😅
2024-09-20 18:55:39
Brooke :
@Angelica Rose
2024-09-08 17:05:26
lifebeyondtheclipboard :
The late rsvps …the night before or the morning…did you forget or were you seeing if you had something better to do 🤣🤣
2024-09-07 13:26:35
Menace :
Yup we go to every party we’re invited too. Every kid deserves a great birthday celebration
2024-09-09 11:35:37
quasicelebrity :
that's why I waited until my daughter was 7 for a friend's party when I was sure ppl would come. before that it was family only
2024-09-09 03:27:14
Daniela :
We live in a town where EVERYONE shows up. Need to find a big enough space for everyone! A great problem to have.
2024-09-08 22:33:08
Karen. Karen complains. :
I’m terrified. We’re sending our kid to EVERY party.
2024-09-07 09:10:32
Arizona Momma :
The stress is so real which is why no matter what you can always count on me to show up to the birthday party 🥳
2024-09-07 00:35:10
RitaPita :
2024-09-05 21:11:22
vivavega :
We have the opposite problem. Big Mexican family. Always a huge event.😅
2024-09-05 20:48:44
rainysky92 :
I hate birthday parties for this exact reason! People will show up for one of my kids and not the other two and it's just not fair for one sibling to get a big party and lots of presents and the others just get a few things we bought bc no one showed up! So now we don't do parties at all! We just take them somewhere fun!
2024-09-04 13:55:28
AChellax 🙋🏽♀️ :
The “does everybody hate us” or “does anyone even like us?” thought is so real 😂
2024-09-04 13:22:24
Livingthedream789 :
So not just me? Every Halloween, bday party and now grad parties (x4). I have died 300 times from anxiety
2024-09-02 03:20:18
Kimberley Anne :
we had the problem where we invited everyone thinking half wouldn't come...but they all came haha. it was wild.
2024-08-31 21:55:58
Rebecca :
I was like this as a kid and now I’m like this whenever I throw my son a birthday party 🥲 never ending cycle
2024-08-31 21:29:29
SeySeySey :
Omg same. Invites out yesterday, only 1 person rsvp’d- what’s going on?? 😂
2024-08-28 11:08:05
Chennxa_ :
I used to be a planner for kid parties and this also stressed me out. The few times it happened wed have the staff jump in and play games w the kid
2024-08-27 18:36:33
Kelsey :
YES! I get this!
2024-08-27 01:20:53
ardubya87 :
Oh man, I wish I could tell you it gets easier
2024-08-26 12:49:02
sarahsouthward :
it's my little girls party next week I have nightmares none of her friends show up 😂
2024-08-26 08:18:42
Crookshanks :
this is why I hate throwing parties. I have such anxiety that no one will come.
2024-08-25 23:05:54
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