@thecollinskids: No one has a baby knowing what they’re doing. No one is guaranteed perfect provision for their family. No one knows how to be a perfect spouse before they get married. No one knows how to do their job before they get the job. No one knows a job loss is coming before it comes. No one knows the answers before they study. No one knows what to expect before they have one more child. No one knows what to do before the emergency happens. No one knows what to do in a health crisis. No one knows how to deal with a sibling dispute before it happens. Every decision we make in life comes with uncertainties and risk. You can’t be an expert at something without going through it for the first time. We shouldn’t say no to things just because we don’t know what to expect. No one knows what they’re doing. We’re all doing our best. As believers, we are called to a life of faith and trust in God. That means we won’t have it figured out. We won’t know what to expect. It might look scary or intimidating or even be something we don’t want to do. I’m here to say, do it anyway. Trust him anyway. Have the next child. Allow him to decide. We take risks in every other area of our life. Why not trust him with life itself? He’s faithful and He never makes mistakes. We do! #takethestepoffaith #trustYah #family #faith #havethenextchild #trusthimonedayatatime #nooneknowswhattheyredoing #doitanyway