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Tuesday 27 August 2024 18:08:25 GMT




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1. "You're always overreacting." A common tactic used by narcissists is to invalidate your emotions. When you call them out for saying something hurtful, they’ll turn it around by saying you're too sensitive or can't take a joke. This makes you doubt yourself, rationalize their behavior, and enables them to continue mistreating you without accountability. 2. "We don't need anyone else." Narcissists often aim to isolate you from your support system. Phrases like "we only need each other" might sound romantic at first, but their goal is to make you dependent on them. They want your time and attention focused entirely on them, minimizing your relationships with others. 3. "If you could have just one friend, who would it be?" This seemingly harmless question is actually a subtle form of manipulation. They’re fishing for reassurance that they are your number one priority. If you don’t give the answer they’re hoping for, they might respond with jealousy or coldness to guilt you into validating them. 4. "Not everything's about you." Even though narcissists need the spotlight on themselves constantly, they'll project their own self-centered behavior onto you. They’ll say this to make you feel guilty or embarrassed when you try to express your feelings or shift attention away from them, even if just for a moment. 5. "I always defend you to everyone else, and this is how you repay me?" This manipulative statement is designed to make you feel indebted to them. They may tell you that others talk behind your back, but they're the one standing up for you. By playing the hero, they expect your loyalty and praise, ensuring you don’t speak out against them. 6. "You only succeed because of my help." Narcissists will often take credit for your accomplishments, making you feel like you're indebted to them for your success. They'll remind you that you're nothing without them, ensuring they share in your glory and keep you feeling dependent on them. 7. "Wow, no wonder nobody else likes you." This is a classic way to destroy your self-esteem. Narcissists may say this to make you feel like no one else will love or care for you as they do, ensuring you stay isolated and reliant on them. They’ll prey on your insecurities to keep you feeling small.
