@shilohfarm: 5 Random Farm Facts 🌽 🍕 If Americans we’re cattle grazing through a field of pizza they would eat 100 acres a day. Thats 350 slices every second 😳 🍯 1 pound of honey requires roughly 200,000,000 flower visits by honeybees 🐝 🥔 Potatoes are the leading vegetable crop in the U.S. contributing about 15%-18% of farm sales receipts for vegetables. Less than 35% make it to fresh market 🍟 🧶 A Hank is used to measure the fineness of wool. 1 hank is equal to 560 yards of yarn. So the finer the wool, the more hanks you’ll get 🐑 🌽 1 acre of corn can produce 156,000 bowls of cornflakes 🥣 #farm #farming #fact #facts #funfact #funfacts #potatoes #pizza #honey #bees #yarn #hank #wool #sheep #corn #cornflakes #crop #food #Foodie #foodblogger #acre #agriculture #DidYouKnow #wow #vegetables #harvest #garden #plants #potato #shilohfarm #FoodTok #foodtiktok #farmtok #ag #education #educational #interesting