@kitchenachim: Baked Feta Gebackener Feta mit Feigen Alles was du brauchst: 1 Feta 2 Feigen 1 EL Honig 15 - 20 g Geröstete Pistazien 1-2 EL Olivenöl Thymian Alles in eine Auflaufform geben und bei 200° Umluft Celsius im vorgeheizten Ofen circa 15 Minuten backen. #rezepte #bakefeta #Recipe #fyp #schnellerezepte #einfacherezepte #mediterraneküche #soulfood #food #foodchallenge #instafood #backen #abendessen #scnack #tapas #ofengericht #leckeressen
I would literally give anything to have a man who likes to cook.
2024-08-31 02:57:19
Monica de la Torre :
What’s the last dry plant u added ? I want to make this
2024-08-30 07:34:59
𝓣𝓮’𝓪𝓓𝓸𝓻𝓪 :
Awesome! just as a tip.. It will be better if the honey is added after baking, after it has cooled down a bit, because when it is warmed, it loses its beneficial properties and becomes toxic
2024-08-31 18:19:59
Monte :
All my Mediterranean favorites delish!!
2024-09-04 22:50:59
purpleleveller :
oh that looks lush
2024-08-31 16:21:28
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