@akribisleather: Simple technique for gang cutting 1x4 footing spreaders. First off, order material that will give you the least waist possible. In this case I ordered 14’ lengths and only had 6” of waste. Adding successive measurements in feet and inches, is typically easier than just adding the whole inches number. 2’3” to 4’6” to 6’9” to 9’ (easier) VS 27” to 54” to 81” to 108”… (Metric people 🤫😂😂) Tacking the 1x4’s flush at the left side/end allows you to layout from that end, and then cut from the other end while clamping them flush for the saw by hand. Yes, one could set up a chop saw however, more often than not, I’d have them all cut this way by the time the saw and stop was set up. Simply a matter of volume. Wearing a B-mini with suspenders for this project. . . . . . . #forming #framing #circularsaw #carpentry #carpenter #toolbelt #leathertoolbelt #efficency