@lauren_larusso: We are never stuck. We are only continuing to see things and relate to things the same way. You aren’t stuck because you’re stupid. You aren’t stuck because you’re incapable. You aren’t stuck because you don’t know what you want or what’s right or what to do. You’re stuck because you’re afraid. You’re stuck because you’re trying to control people and things. You’re stuck because you’re desperately trying to make things okay when things aren’t. This is true no matter who you are, and no matter what you’re dealing with. You are not stuck. You are here. ❤️ For help getting unstuck, head to the link in my bio for courses designed to HELP. #unstuck #help #stuck #affairs #theaffairconsultant #affairhelp #healing #heal #marriage #divorce #couples #goals #learn #grow #thrive #heart #Love