@humangarage: @jeremypiven shares with @garrylineham that he's having trouble turning his head to the right (left side is restricted) Left side represents the feminine side, the feminine in our life. This was filmed on mothers day. So @garrylineham and @cynthiahumangarage assisted Jeremy with fascial maneuvers and affirmations to acknowledge the emotions that were stuck here, causing the restriction. . . and then the emotions flow out and the restriction eases off. This was so incredible to witness. To fully process life through our body naturally and successfully, we need to feel our emotions with respect and let it go. Head to our YouTube channel to watch a recent BTS video of a hands on assisted fascial maneuver treatment with Garry, Cynthia and a woman named Laurel, a member of our program. You'll see in depth how the body processes emotions with safety and fascial maneuvers. ㅤ