@_sii89: الله يخليها ويطول بعمرها يارب ♥️♥️♥️. #جدتي #بيت #الجده #الحنون

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Region: SA
Friday 06 September 2024 12:27:26 GMT




𝐁𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲🦢 :
ممكن الحفظ الفيديو؟
2025-03-04 21:07:34
سُنْدُسْ 🌷 :
4/3/2025 اليوم فقدتها 💔
2025-03-04 20:51:49
﮼روحُ 🦩. :
بُس توفت😞
2025-03-05 06:20:07
+966🇸🇦 :
اهههه تكفيين راح تفقدون هالحناننن اجلسسو معها خلو وقتكم كله معها لاتجربون الفقد الي عشته😔
2024-09-06 13:59:28
fatma :
الله يرحمها كانت احن جدة في الكون حبيبتي💔😔
2024-11-11 17:21:17
نفيد بشير الضبيعان"رحمها الله" :
اتذكر يوم كنت انام عندها وتقوم نص الليل وتصلي وبعدها تقرا وتنفث علي الله يرحمها ويغفرلها😭😭💔
2024-10-24 02:10:29
𐙚 :
تكفون اجلسو مع جداتكم لأنك راح تفقدونها لا تروحون من عندها أبدا ما أبيكم تحسون ب الي احس فيه ندمت اني ما كنت اقضي كل دقيقه عندها💔💔😔
2024-12-04 13:07:13
M :
ماشاءالله تبارك الرحمن الله يخليها لكم يارب 🙏
2024-09-06 13:58:27
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I’ve never seen an insect larva being this snacky, munching on that forbidden spaghetti 🍝 The way they ausually move is so intense and dynamic, it’s rare to find some that are willing to stay still in front the camera, so I just sat there watching it eat Spyrogira (filamentous green algae) for two hours 🙃 Chironomidae, or non-biting midges, are often the most abundant insects in freshwater habitats, no wonder I find them in all of my samples 🙃 they can also be find in terrestrial and marine environments! There are more than 15 000 different species estimated which can exploit a wide range of environmental conditions; high and low temperatures, pH, oxygen concentrations, salinity, depths, current velocity and altitudes, to name a few. In lots of aquatic ecosystems, chironomids can represent 50% of the total macroinvertebrate species 🤯 You can even find some active ones in the Himalaya at temperatures of -16°C and elevations of 5600 meters! Chironomid larvae are opportunistic omnivores (they can eat pretty much anything that can be eaten) but they are also classified by their main feeding modes; collector-gatherers, collector-filterers, scrapers, shredders, engulfers and piercers. Of course, one species can fit in multiple feeding strategies!  These larvae play an important role in aquatic ecosystems since they’re a major food source for fish, frogs, birds and semi-aquatic mammals. They also are litter decomposers, rock cleaners and are important for nutrient recycling. Chironomid larvae are also very sensitive to polluants such as pesticides and are thus used as bio indicators of freshwater quality!  Video taken with my iPhone mounted on a BA310E Motic microscope with an @ilabcam Ultra adapter 🔬  References: Armitage, P. D., Pinder, L. C., & Cranston, P. S. (Eds.). (2012). The Chironomidae: biology and ecology of non-biting midges. Springer Science & Business Media. Katagi, T., & Tanaka, H. (2016). Metabolism, bioaccumulation, and toxicity of pesticides in aquatic insect larvae. Journal of Pesticide Science, 41(2), 25–37. . #biology #microscope #science #fyp #animals #snacks
I’ve never seen an insect larva being this snacky, munching on that forbidden spaghetti 🍝 The way they ausually move is so intense and dynamic, it’s rare to find some that are willing to stay still in front the camera, so I just sat there watching it eat Spyrogira (filamentous green algae) for two hours 🙃 Chironomidae, or non-biting midges, are often the most abundant insects in freshwater habitats, no wonder I find them in all of my samples 🙃 they can also be find in terrestrial and marine environments! There are more than 15 000 different species estimated which can exploit a wide range of environmental conditions; high and low temperatures, pH, oxygen concentrations, salinity, depths, current velocity and altitudes, to name a few. In lots of aquatic ecosystems, chironomids can represent 50% of the total macroinvertebrate species 🤯 You can even find some active ones in the Himalaya at temperatures of -16°C and elevations of 5600 meters! Chironomid larvae are opportunistic omnivores (they can eat pretty much anything that can be eaten) but they are also classified by their main feeding modes; collector-gatherers, collector-filterers, scrapers, shredders, engulfers and piercers. Of course, one species can fit in multiple feeding strategies! These larvae play an important role in aquatic ecosystems since they’re a major food source for fish, frogs, birds and semi-aquatic mammals. They also are litter decomposers, rock cleaners and are important for nutrient recycling. Chironomid larvae are also very sensitive to polluants such as pesticides and are thus used as bio indicators of freshwater quality! Video taken with my iPhone mounted on a BA310E Motic microscope with an @ilabcam Ultra adapter 🔬 References: Armitage, P. D., Pinder, L. C., & Cranston, P. S. (Eds.). (2012). The Chironomidae: biology and ecology of non-biting midges. Springer Science & Business Media. Katagi, T., & Tanaka, H. (2016). Metabolism, bioaccumulation, and toxicity of pesticides in aquatic insect larvae. Journal of Pesticide Science, 41(2), 25–37. . #biology #microscope #science #fyp #animals #snacks
