@thecbdeals: If your on the fence about it, what can I honestly say? Your health is worth worth a shot, worked for me may work for you. #anxiety #quitnic #quitvappin #quitsmoking #salsa #necklace #breathing #anxietytips #anxietyawareness #anxietyissues #breathingexercises #breathingnecklace
I used vapes to quit smoking cigarettes... might have to try this to quit vaping 😂
2024-10-22 15:46:50
Bri :
It’s definitely the mint hitting my throat that I’m a fien for😂🥲
2024-10-27 14:43:25
Mstaters1981(mscandy81) :
I have always said that it is the hand to mouth movement that alot of ppl are addicted to.
2024-10-22 22:17:29
Ironically_Forsaken :
it's the deep breathing that is helping ppl. it regulates the nervous sysetm.
2024-10-22 03:16:52
BoogieBearBaby :
It's pretty cool they made a little device for this. It's actually not a new concept. People in jail used to take pens apart and stuff toilet paper in the end to restrict the air flow for a drag like effect. It won't surprise me at all if this helps a lot of people quit bc it seemed to be really effective for people in there. Awesome invention! Thanks for sharing!🥰
2024-10-22 11:20:24
Jael Lopez :
Are we just gonna ignore what he typed in the description 😂 ON THE FENCE 💀
2024-10-24 20:15:15
💕✨ASIA | WFH | MAMA x3 ✨💕 :
I was lowkey waiting for a cloud 😭
2024-10-23 08:42:56
🌟SAH w/ Amber🌟 :
As I hit a cig 🥺
2024-10-24 09:19:59
Jacelyn Welty :
Makes sense cause ppl usually gain weight when they stop cause they replace the movement of hand to mouth with food
2024-10-27 15:14:41
Gladfly :
What???? I have one I’ve had one forever they are for anxiety and people with breathing problems honestly all you really need is a straw
2024-10-20 17:58:04
LakonSaintAmour🖤 :
Cool idea!
2024-10-24 18:07:41
QueenOreoandCrystal23 :
I need one of those so baddd! Vaping is the hardest thing ever for me to quit
2024-10-22 15:20:32
Kaylee :
But what’s the flavor
2024-10-22 20:38:33
prettyy_si :
It’s definitely the head high hitting my mind that’s addictive
2024-10-30 19:26:21
haleazekurat :
When I don’t have a vape I eat more. Idk why but it sucks 😭😭😂
2024-10-25 15:32:40
At0micAudi0 :
Honestly I’d be fine with no nic just like the smoke tbh
2024-10-24 21:16:05
Wade:) :
why does the picture say to breath through nose then blow through the necklace
2024-10-24 15:25:48
☀️ Dea | Inspire To Rise ☀️ :
Is that good for anxiety too?
2024-10-24 12:15:40
Whitney Patterson :
Why does it say on the ad to inhale through the nose and exhale through the device ?
2024-10-23 16:40:24
Britney Gutierrez :
For sure a part of the addiction is the act of doing it. i'm trying to stop vaping
2024-10-22 14:47:17
MamaZ :
Anything that helps with smoking cessation is amazing!
2024-10-22 16:07:49
HaileyWeng :
I used to see these years ago and they were like $50 or more..hmm kinda debating getting it now that it’s cheap
2024-10-26 12:06:08
sunny_88880 :
Damn this is my sign to quit 😭
2024-10-22 16:12:06
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