@manyadventureswithbri: Setting a reminder for myself that every time I get out of the house I always feel better We all needed a change of scenery, no plans just get out of the house, I totally wasn’t in the mood to even go through the preparing, but I knew I had the wagon and they all deserved to get out of the house. So why not make it fun, we live so close to Disney, it’s always been my favorite spot to take the kids & now I just want to do it more often. Where should we go next? I think we’re going to make a series of getting out of the house with the twins! Send some ideas where we should head to next ✨ #disneymom #disneyworld #sahm #sahmomlife #momlife #disneybound #disneyskyliner #twins #identicaltwins #twinmom #twinmomadventures #soloparenting #getoutandexplore #orlando #boymomadventures #boymom #toddlermom #boymomof3 #momof3 #disneywithtoddlers