@johnniriddlin2.0: Anyone want a crabby patty?!

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Region: US
Saturday 14 September 2024 00:46:31 GMT




★☆🅢🅰︎🅜☆★ :
Sponge bob…the food is for the costumer’s not you….
2024-09-29 13:52:29
andrew :
2024-09-15 00:21:28
Hallo :
2024-09-14 18:25:15
2024-09-14 03:21:42
alizeh! :
idk leave me alone
2024-09-14 01:24:04
lesterlemus355 :
2024-09-14 00:49:40
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Halo hAPPy People! Hari ini PT Pindo Deli Pulp and Paper Mills Karawang resmi mengoperasikan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS) berkapasitas 3,7 MWp, sebuah langkah besar menuju masa depan industri yang lebih hijau dan berkelanjutan! Dengan energi bersih yang dihasilkan, PLTS ini mampu mengurangi emisi karbon hingga 4.146 ton per tahun, setara dengan menanam hampir 68.840 pohon! Dalam sambutannya, Presiden Direktur PT Pindo Deli Hendri Gunawan mengatakan bahwa, transisi ke energi surya menjadi salah satu inisiatif Pindo Deli dalam mengadopsi Program Manufaktur Bersih (Clean Manufacturing Program) di seluruh lini produksi baik kertas, tisu, maupun produk kemasan.  Inisiatif ini bukan hanya bagian dari Sustainability Roadmap Vision (SRV) 2030 APP Group, tetapi juga mendukung target Net Zero Emission 2050 yang dicanangkan pemerintah.  Bersama SUN Energy, PT Pindo Deli Karawang berupaya memperkuat komitmen untuk menciptakan operasional ramah lingkungan, dan menginspirasi industri lain untuk ikut berkontribusi. == Hello hAPPy People! Today, PT Pindo Deli Pulp and Paper Mills Karawang officially launched its 3.7 MWp Solar Power Plant (PLTS), marking a significant step toward a greener and more sustainable industrial future! With the clean energy produced, this solar power plant can reduce carbon emissions by up to 4,146 tons annually—equivalent to planting nearly 68,840 trees! In his remarks, PT Pindo Deli President Director Hendri Gunawan stated that the transition to solar energy is one of Pindo Deli's initiatives in adopting the Clean Manufacturing Program across all production lines, including paper, tissue, and packaging products. This initiative is not only part of the APP Group’s Sustainability Roadmap Vision (SRV) 2030 but also aligns with the government’s target of achieving Net Zero Emissions by 2050. In collaboration with SUN Energy, PT Pindo Deli Karawang is committed to strengthening environmentally friendly operations and inspiring other industries to contribute as well. #Sustainability #SolarEnergy #NetZero2050 #APPGroup #PindoDeliKarawang
Halo hAPPy People! Hari ini PT Pindo Deli Pulp and Paper Mills Karawang resmi mengoperasikan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS) berkapasitas 3,7 MWp, sebuah langkah besar menuju masa depan industri yang lebih hijau dan berkelanjutan! Dengan energi bersih yang dihasilkan, PLTS ini mampu mengurangi emisi karbon hingga 4.146 ton per tahun, setara dengan menanam hampir 68.840 pohon! Dalam sambutannya, Presiden Direktur PT Pindo Deli Hendri Gunawan mengatakan bahwa, transisi ke energi surya menjadi salah satu inisiatif Pindo Deli dalam mengadopsi Program Manufaktur Bersih (Clean Manufacturing Program) di seluruh lini produksi baik kertas, tisu, maupun produk kemasan. Inisiatif ini bukan hanya bagian dari Sustainability Roadmap Vision (SRV) 2030 APP Group, tetapi juga mendukung target Net Zero Emission 2050 yang dicanangkan pemerintah. Bersama SUN Energy, PT Pindo Deli Karawang berupaya memperkuat komitmen untuk menciptakan operasional ramah lingkungan, dan menginspirasi industri lain untuk ikut berkontribusi. == Hello hAPPy People! Today, PT Pindo Deli Pulp and Paper Mills Karawang officially launched its 3.7 MWp Solar Power Plant (PLTS), marking a significant step toward a greener and more sustainable industrial future! With the clean energy produced, this solar power plant can reduce carbon emissions by up to 4,146 tons annually—equivalent to planting nearly 68,840 trees! In his remarks, PT Pindo Deli President Director Hendri Gunawan stated that the transition to solar energy is one of Pindo Deli's initiatives in adopting the Clean Manufacturing Program across all production lines, including paper, tissue, and packaging products. This initiative is not only part of the APP Group’s Sustainability Roadmap Vision (SRV) 2030 but also aligns with the government’s target of achieving Net Zero Emissions by 2050. In collaboration with SUN Energy, PT Pindo Deli Karawang is committed to strengthening environmentally friendly operations and inspiring other industries to contribute as well. #Sustainability #SolarEnergy #NetZero2050 #APPGroup #PindoDeliKarawang
