@wilv787: Dive into the rich flavors of Puerto Rican cuisine with a hearty bowl of asopao de carne de res, gandules, and plantain at Lechonera El Sazón Criollo in the Bronx. This comforting dish is packed with tender beef, flavorful gandules, and plantains, all simmered in a rich broth. Experience the authentic taste of Puerto Rico right in NYC with this perfect blend of flavors! Located at 📍1930 Patterson Ave. @lechonera #Asopao #PuertoRicanFood #ComidaCriolla #LechoneraElSazonCriollo #BronxEats #Foodie #NYCEats #FlavorsOfPuertoRico #PuertoRicanCuisine #lechoneraqueen #lechonera