@sabr.full: You, be gentle with yourself- it is only this dunya🤍 Iman can build with momentum- the ripple effect starts with one move. You take one step towards Him- He takes ten towards you. This is how we grow. Even by a step- even by a thread. You missed the last prayer? Don’t miss the next. Don’t let shortcomings or doubts hinder your growth. This is how we improve. Even by 1% improve- try, try and try everyday. Allah sees your efforts. Allah rewards you. If you don’t already- start with perfecting your salah maybe and becoming consistent in repentance, dhikr and du’a hmm? Maybe we can recognize one habitual sin of ours every day and make the intent to give it up? There is nothing to lose- it is only this dunya. Time belongs to Allah, people belong to Allah, the sun, the moon, the skies… this entire world belongs to Allah- so if you lose Allah and gain something- what have you really gained? And if you have Allah & lose everything else, what have you really lost? If Allah, is with you, then you have everything you need. Take care of your deen & Allah will take care of everything else. Goodness is on it's way to you Insha'Allah, gentle reminder:) #fyp #fy #muslimtiktok #sign #islamicreminder #Allah #deen #sabr #poetry #writing #dua #journaling #sunnah #islamictiktok #tawakkul #islamicquotes #deenoverdunya #god #religion #muslim #jannah #motivation #hope #thoughts #islamictiktok #nasheed #halal #fyppp
Region: US
Monday 16 September 2024 20:43:11 GMT
Марков :
I pray to Allah swt to heal my lower back bones so I can work and provide for my family once again its been almost a year and a half with no cure
2024-09-16 20:54:37
user50206080534194 :
I’m in tears I can barely see. My name means patience and that’s what I’m constantly tested with. I just need Allah to answer my dua I have been making since April. I tied the camel since then.
2024-09-16 22:15:19
s’ :
I really Needed this
2024-11-25 16:25:55
true_alpha_2.0 :
My cousins institution said she’s past the deadline to join should she let go or keep making dua for the impossible?
2024-10-03 04:59:41
faelihh_ :
I feel like day by day I keep getting lost in this Dunya and keep losing focus in Salah so any tips??
2024-10-11 15:17:39
tajjii :
may Allah reward you 🤍
2024-09-17 01:02:59
Fatiha :
I’m on the bus and read the fourth slide tell me why I’m crying on the bus like a idiot 😅😭
2024-09-16 21:05:58
sarapickless :
love this so beautifully presented 💘💐
2024-09-17 00:15:30
Aleena|R♡ :
This is beautiful 🩷
2024-11-10 18:06:22
🩷 :
Salaam sis, can you please explain to me what the 3rd slide means? x
2024-09-17 10:39:44
z :
heavy on the "The day your realize you had no one but Allah is the day you will realize you need no one but Allah "
may Allah swt make it easy for us all
ameen 💗✨️
2024-09-18 00:04:13
حسن :
baarakallahu alayki, you've posted your poems and now your drawings, may Allah increase you in all your talents, please carry on for His sake 😊 (slide 8 my fav + I love your Arabic in slide 9)
2024-09-16 23:01:34
﷽ :
subhanallah this is a beautiful reminder
2024-09-18 04:40:04
𝓷 :
Subhanallah that honestly hit me. JazakAllahu Khair🌼
2024-09-18 18:15:02
irembbb_ :
This made me tear up. May Allah reward you. 🤍
2024-09-17 12:09:01
موسى :
This was put down so perfectly and beautiful, needed this boost, thank you
2024-09-17 15:07:18
☾ :
So beautiful 💕
2024-09-17 21:44:59
Bellaaa :
I wish I could pray☹️
2024-09-19 09:28:17
M🪐 :
wow, im gonna copy this to my notebook, this is so good❤️
2024-09-19 15:05:48
𝒮haïmaꨄ :
Baarak'الله u fik sister for your reminder may الله grants you jannah.💗💗
2024-11-23 13:20:55
hana :
I pray that Allah swt guides me and my ex bsf to be best friends again I make sm dua and I pray it gets accepted and granted, Ameen..
2024-10-20 18:14:55
I want to share in my ig, can you tell me your ig so I can give you credits? ☺️
2024-09-18 13:56:15
nawshaba nova🇧🇩 :
I am stressed whether Allah accepted my repentance
2024-10-09 06:06:33
helinꨄ :
beautifully written, May Allah reward you 💖
2024-09-17 20:30:14
To see more videos from user @sabr.full, please go to the Tikwm