@our_life_adventures: Today’s nakey time. After the shocking news is out tomorrow y’all will understand why there has been less “lives” in the past weekish lol. We will be announcing tomorrow morning sometime in a video and then a “live” later. Hope yall enjoy this video tonight in the meantime. Goodnight & I’m telling y’all, YOU WILL BE SHOCKED!!
it's going to look line I'm stalking you because I just ♥️a bunch of your videos. I just came across you guys and so glad I did. it completely made my night!! such love and patience ♥️♥️
2024-09-21 04:43:13
Patriot girl :
Does Bear ever stray away from Jamie or does he always stay close
2024-09-18 04:51:09
gailtarreteta :
omg , I can't wait. 🥰❤
2024-09-18 04:29:04
Rebecca Beloit :
what's the secret
2024-09-18 12:48:41
DidiG :
is "shocking" a clue?
2024-09-18 07:31:12
Jerry Guthrie507 :
can not wait
2024-09-18 06:44:12
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