@layercake_: Your girl is really going through it 😅 trying to stay positive and get out of the house. ##pregnancysymptom##13weekspregnant##morningsickness##stretchmarks##headaches##zofran
I feel you! I’m 16 weeks still have constant nausea and now suffering with pelvic girdle aswell ! X
2024-09-18 16:24:51
Nikki | IVF Journey :
Hope you feel better 😘
2024-09-19 15:05:34
Brie Blanco :
I had to take reglan, Zofran & promethazine & still didn’t help the nausea 🥲🥲🥲
2024-09-19 09:25:30
Sarah IVF Mom | Blindinary :
Hoping the nausea goes away soon!! 🩷🩷
2024-09-18 17:21:18
Cheza_rae :
got denied my zofran pump by my insurance thanks tricare so now i have to go to cancer center for fluids weekly
2024-09-19 01:38:26
Amanda Skora :
Girl I feel this, I’m a week ahead of you but my pregnancies are just awful. I’m on zofran also and one thing I can suggest is start taking a stool softener 😅😅😅
2024-09-18 15:53:24
npaganmua :
Im at 17 weeks and symptoms are still difficult! Nothing seems to help😫😫😫
2024-09-18 20:39:41
Sarah :
I had HG my entire first trimester, it’s lightened but I still deal w/ nausea, the only thing that helped me was the RX Reglan, made a huge-
2024-09-18 16:59:40
RayRay the Surrogate :
Yes nothing like some fresh air. Zofran I took every day even though I was feeling good. Then I could slowly take it every other day to like once a week and then off of it.
2024-09-19 03:58:57
Karryn • IVF Parent 🆘🇺🇸 :
My nausea & fatigue stuck around until 16 weeks. I hope you feel better soon!
2024-09-19 03:22:55
None ya :
For the headaches, ask your doctor about adding magnesium glycinate. I had horrible headaches and palpitations around 22 weeks. We added magnesium and within a couple days it helped tremendously
2024-09-18 18:36:50
Jill Maloney :
I believe Bio Oil is supposed to be great for stretch marks! I decided to just live with mine lol
2024-09-18 17:33:30
em :
I will always recommend diclegis! it’s the chemical forms of vitamin b6 and unisom in extended release form!! works sooo well
2024-09-18 17:06:25
Amy Blankenship :
Week 14 - 18 I got the worst hormone headachea
2024-09-18 16:52:01
MacKenzie :
I got the stomach flu or a random hyperemesis episode at 15 weeks where I was sick all day for 2 days straight and I thought I’d never make it through but I am here to tell the tale
2024-09-18 16:22:45
amy :
Watching this at 25 weeks pregnant wondering why I have zero appetite and I’m so nauseous! We need to leave this crap in the 1st trimester! Lol 🫠
2024-09-18 16:15:09
Kieley ✿ :
My nausea went away for weeks and now it’s back! 🫠 it’s not nearly as bad as it was in the first trimester but I thought it was done for good. Ugh pregnancy is so fun sometimes! Lol
2024-09-18 16:04:41
paigelox :
I’m still taking Diclectin and Zofran in trimester 3! It’s definitely way better than the 1st trimester but it comes and goes a lot. Not letting myself get hungry helps a lot though.
2024-09-20 23:11:06
Baby :
I’m soo grateful to finally be pregnant, but at 14 weeks 6 days I am over these symptoms 😭 it’s exhausting
2024-09-20 18:40:42
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