@aletahinterlandmama: 🫧 Make Your Own Washing Powder!! Save Money! Be Healthier! Less Chemicals! 🌿 DISCLAIMER: This recipe is for informational purposes only. Always wear appropriate protective gear, including gloves and respirator when handling chemicals. Test washing powder on sample of clothing before whole wash. Follow instructions carefully. Store chemicals and powder, in a safe out of reach location. Hinterland Mama/Aleta Bon not liable for Any damages, injuries or property loss resulting from the use of this recipe. Always follow safety precautions and use at your own risk. #hinterlandmama #toxicfreelife #naturalhome #savemoney #selfsufficiency #LearnOnTikTok #naturalmum #selfreliance #knowledgeisfreedom #selfsufficientliving #diylaundrydetergent #diylaundrypowder #hinterlandmama #fyp #viral