@robertocede12: No estoy a favor de nada he!! #ecuador🇪🇨 #ecuadortiktok #rafaelcorrea #danielnoboa #apagon #mashi #manabi_ecuador🇪🇨

Open In TikTok:
Region: EC
Thursday 19 September 2024 02:44:52 GMT




es.parod.ia :
Cien mil veces mejor
2024-09-19 04:05:57
Gerardo Díaz :
que cosas malas mo leiste vien x que cobro impuestos a los ricosy ayuda al pueblo la derecha no
2024-09-19 11:43:06
conejo :
es verdad presenta pruebas
2024-10-09 15:50:52
Alita :
HASTA LA VICTORIA SIEMPRE 💙💙❤💪💯 Luisa González Presidenta
2024-09-25 18:38:15
David :
2024-09-23 18:01:14
D@nn¥ elB0 :
La plena que me cansa escuchar esto tanto pacto que no Avia nada ahora salen cargamentos y no pasa nada o ya no hay amarres nadie cae que raro
2024-09-21 02:14:52
hacer escuelas ,hacer hospitales ,esas consecuencias ya están trabajando y sacando a sus familias adelante .💪
2024-09-20 20:46:33
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⬇️ Use this script in your next job interview to answer “What are your salary expectations?”  Companies ask you this question because they want to underpay you. They are hoping that you give one number like, “I am hoping to make $70k”    There is NO reason why a company should NOT tell you what the position pays and there is NO reason that they should make you tell them what you want to be paid BEFORE they tell you the range of the position.    So don’t fall for it and play the same game by answering their question with a question or giving them a non-answer.    📌Use this script,    Interviewer “What are your salary expectations?”    You “ What is the position paying?”    Interviewer “We really need to know what you want before we pass you on to the next round”    You “Well, what’s the range? I am sure you have a pay range for this position.”   STAND YOUR GROUND and DON’T PANIC   👉If they answer and give you a range, you can say “I am amenable to that range” or “That is the range I am looking for”    👉If they refuse to give you a range or tell you what they will pay you can say, “I’m very interested in this opportunity and I’d like to have this salary conversation after I’ve learned more about the role and the company.”   If they threaten to not pass you on to the next round, great! You dodged a bullet.  Trust me, you don’t want to work for a company that won’t in the least disclose their salary range.    Good luck 🍀    #joboffernegotations #salarynegotiations #howtonegotiatesalary #careeradvice #howtonegotiatejoboffer #howtointerview #corporate #jobinterview #interviewtips #howtoanswerinterviewquestions #job #work
⬇️ Use this script in your next job interview to answer “What are your salary expectations?” Companies ask you this question because they want to underpay you. They are hoping that you give one number like, “I am hoping to make $70k”   There is NO reason why a company should NOT tell you what the position pays and there is NO reason that they should make you tell them what you want to be paid BEFORE they tell you the range of the position.   So don’t fall for it and play the same game by answering their question with a question or giving them a non-answer.   📌Use this script,   Interviewer “What are your salary expectations?”   You “ What is the position paying?”   Interviewer “We really need to know what you want before we pass you on to the next round”   You “Well, what’s the range? I am sure you have a pay range for this position.”   STAND YOUR GROUND and DON’T PANIC   👉If they answer and give you a range, you can say “I am amenable to that range” or “That is the range I am looking for”   👉If they refuse to give you a range or tell you what they will pay you can say, “I’m very interested in this opportunity and I’d like to have this salary conversation after I’ve learned more about the role and the company.”   If they threaten to not pass you on to the next round, great! You dodged a bullet. Trust me, you don’t want to work for a company that won’t in the least disclose their salary range.   Good luck 🍀   #joboffernegotations #salarynegotiations #howtonegotiatesalary #careeradvice #howtonegotiatejoboffer #howtointerview #corporate #jobinterview #interviewtips #howtoanswerinterviewquestions #job #work
