@thisistaylorvaughn: #onthisday 🥺 that voice. So shy and uncomfortable. Now I just be yelling into the phone 😅 this is growth. Heres a little throw back to when i first started doing day in the life vlogs. The day that i lost my job…this same day i suspected that I might be pregnant also 🤦🏽♀️ my nerves were shot. The best part about all of this God has taken care of me and my family the last year! There have been challenging moments, living off one pay check isnt ideal but he kept us, provided more than we could imagine & this year has been such a blessing. Its taught me so much about faith, timing and forgiveness. You gotta know those people hurt my feels this day because i was giving everything to them and honestly neglecting my young family & self to stay “on top” of things. This whole year is proof that God keeps his promises. He’s so good! Giving him all the glory because he deserves it & I promised him that. #morningroutine #morningvlog #nonaestheticmom #nonaesthetichome #morningroutineaesthetic #momvlog #toddleractivities #toddlermomlife #sahmroutine #workfromhomemom