@angelocean_: This was so hard to film and edit 😭 i did my best. Results are in for my recent fetal growth scan. It’s definitely not what I was hoping for. I feel like my uterus has grown so much in the last couple weeks, but the baby is still falling behind in weight and growth. Although the doctor said not to be worried unless it drops down to the 10th percentile, but seeing that it’s already dropped almost 10% in the last four weeks scares the heck out of me. The baby has also only grown 1 pound where it should have grown at least 2 pounds. I’m so grateful that we are so close to the end and even if I have to deliver early, the baby should be OK, it’s just a very emotional time. I think it’s important to share the ups and downs of my journey with you, not just the positives. Its not all rainbows and sunshine 😭 #fetalgrowthscan #ultrasound #highriskpregnancy #pregnancy #pregnanttok #pregnancyjourney #35weekspregnant #8monthspregnant
It’s so hard to not worry. Keep in mind 3rd trimester ultrasounds are not terribly accurate because baby is so cramped in there. It might not be
2024-09-19 20:07:58
littlebit :
as an IUGR mom it's not your fault. if baby is still small next ultrasound they will probably induce. I had 4 out of 7 babies below 5 pounds at birth. they are all fine now. grew better outside thanin
2024-09-19 19:51:50
Serena Mendoza :
I had my scan last week I’m 30 weeks and they told me my baby is in the 6th percentile she weighs 2lbs 9oz and there already warning me about still birth 🥺🥺 I’ve been so scared
2024-10-30 20:41:03
🖤🍂𝐌🍂🖤 :
all the preg. mammas are praying for you ❤️
2024-09-19 19:29:24
Danielle Kelly :
found out my baby was iugr at 36 weeks, she measured to be the size of a 32 weekend. stayed below the 1st percentile until her 8 week appointment and jumped to the 6th! 🤍🤍
2024-09-20 01:48:21
Melanie Jardines🌷 :
Ah I’ve been there. I wish I could hug you. My first baby was IUGR at 39 weeks. I was induced. I thought I did something wrong but she’s just grew better on the outside 🫶
2024-09-19 18:41:23
angelajoyerdelyi122 :
I thought I was gonna have a high risk pregnancy, but the doctor said i don't but my baby has a heart condition, I was heartbroken but the doctor said he'll be fine
2024-09-25 14:45:51
shelbymitra :
I had IUGR with both of my kids and they are both happy and healthy. My daughter was less than the 3rd percentile born at 37 weeks and she was able to come home with me when I was discharged.
2024-09-20 16:10:49
user5675721640446 :
Your baby is gonna be absolutely perfectly healthy. God is making that baby just how he wants it. My daughter had to go in twice a week from 24 weeks til delivery at 39 weeks because the baby little
2024-09-19 22:10:40
JocelynLajay :
My twins were born at 27 weeks. 2 pounds. I didn’t think we’d get here but they’re two weeks away from a year old and they’re CHUNKY and HEALTHY. 25 pounds each. It’ll be okay mama 💕
2024-09-19 20:13:16
Tonni :
Keep your head up , my babygirl was very small until I was 36-37 weeks, I looked like I was 5 months prego . My 37th week she literally had a HUGEEEE growth spurt over night
2024-09-24 17:08:27
diannamichelle :
My baby was IUGR >1st% and found out at the 19w anatomy scan. I ended up delivering at 31w due to preeclampsia & HELLP syndrome. I had placental insufficiency which was the cause of everything.
2024-09-20 16:01:45
xsdbt1999x :
I had similar experience, my baby was measuring on the 10th and then dropped below to the 7th and stayed on the 7th for all my growth scans until one of my dopplers was abnormal at 35+3 and had a 1/2
2024-09-20 01:06:13
user8830719961919 :
I delivered at 37 weeks my baby was small “5lbs 9oz” at birth he dropped a lot to towards the end 52% to 30 down to 16% before delivery ! He’s 7 months now and a chonkeeeeeer 19lbs !!! He was born
2024-09-22 23:39:37
alydawn08 :
I was diagnosed with IUGR at 20 weeks and he was under the 10th percentile the rest of my pregnancy. I was induced at 38 weeks hoping he would be 5lbs… he came out 6lbs 3oz and is and was healthy!
2024-09-19 19:09:09
lee_uh_riley :
I’m sending you hugs mama. 💕
2024-09-24 03:12:10
Brittany Bell :
I had IUGR with my daughter who was born less than the 1st percentile (they estimated 7th). She dropped from the 50th to the 7th over two months and it was terrifying.
2024-09-20 13:46:42
alyssahadinger :
My baby was in the 4th percentile almost the whole time! (Mainly due to being anemic), but she was born perfectly healthy at 34 weeks weighing 4lb 3oz
2024-09-25 20:58:38
X :
Praying for you mama 💗🙏
2024-09-19 23:46:51
Amilee Fiorino :
My fundal height was measuring small from 36 weeks, they made me get so many ultrasounds and do extra monitoring. He was on the 55th centile at 32 weeks
2024-09-20 05:50:05
Courtney Tobin :
some babies are just small! all my kids were! my first was induced at 41.5 weeks and she was only 6lbs and then she grew so fast she was constantly in the 99% for height and weight!
2024-09-20 15:10:48
Margaret Warren-Neice :
Same with my 13 year old. I had an emergency C-section Because she stopped growing at 36 weeks. She was born at exactly 37 weeks. My dr said at that point she was safer on the outside then inside
2024-09-20 11:19:19
shannypack :
My baby girl was supposedly down to the 19th percentile and was born a few weeks later right at 50th percentile. Flip side, my son was measuring 80th percentile and came out 35th percentile.
2024-09-23 16:14:19
Kristy B :
My baby was born 9/9 and had the exact same issue, but he also had reduced fetal movement. I was able to carry to 40 weeks with extensive monitoring (baby was staying around the 10th percentile). P1
2024-09-19 23:12:05
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