@jenniferelle_: Parents in Toronto are upset with the school board after a field trip that was meant for kids to learn anout Grassy Narrows turned into something else #cdnpoli #cdnpolitics
Teachers opinions have zero place in the class room
2024-09-21 17:34:03
Jessica S :
look up the leaked union meeting from September 15, 2023.
2024-09-23 00:11:03
Velvet Thunder :
The power of consent was removed from parents with Residential Schools. How is this different?
How can the teachers not see this?
2024-09-21 18:10:03
Tony :
Palestinians are not indigenous. They are literally Arab colonizers. They are teaching lies. No unique language or culture. Jews are indigenous to Judea
2024-09-21 21:24:29
amylongley56 :
I wouldn’t trust the teacher after that.
2024-09-22 09:35:00
Shar Cobain🇨🇦 :
My kids are in tdsb and we have been VERY worried about what is being taught for a long time.
2024-09-21 17:23:52
HazanFam :
I would be livid. Someone needs to be held accountable here. I as a parent would approve one but certainly not the other.
2024-09-22 02:56:13
Holtzy12345 :
This is why teachers should not teach anything other than academics. I’m not interested in a teachers opinion of anything other than how my child is doing in school.
2024-09-25 20:38:25
quietmajority :
Schools continue to overstep but this is just off a cliff
2024-09-21 17:56:30
Craig Pack :
I'd be at the school, pounding on doors. heads better roll over this.
2024-09-21 19:41:26
RealCanuckGirl🇨🇦 :
I keep typing and erasing. There’s so many things wrong here. I’d be livid.
2024-09-21 21:17:08
daisy0306 :
I would have been livid. The lies! That's extremely underhanded.
2024-09-21 20:53:55
HappyTrails Overland :
Reprimand every staff member that had anything to do with that field trip suspension without pay you with the possibility of being fired
2024-09-21 20:34:05
4theBEAR :
I really don't get why they keep trying to suppress us when we're on the rise we have lawyers judge doctors and a brother as a premier and were longer
2024-09-21 21:19:59
Ven :
All who was involved needs to be held accountable
2024-09-21 18:45:57
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