@drlyndabarnes: 👉🏽 You wouldn’t know from this picture that sometimes I have to use a cane or even my mobility 🛴 scooter? My world 🌎 is very unpredictable, which goes against my preference of being very strategic about planning 🗓️ my time. ✨ I had to learn and stay open to being able to shift at any moment. 🙌🏽 Which is not all bad because I apply this in my businesses as well. 🙏🏽 God has taught me to be less up tight and become more open too change 💜 . #UnpredictableJourney #MobilityWarrior #LifeWithCane #ScooterLife #AdaptAndOvercome #StayFlexible #StrategicLife #BusinessMindset #Resilience #StrengthInAdversity #10xfaithrule #drlyndabarnes #thesuccessdoctor #kingdomceo #faithionaire #kingdomentrepreneurs #mompreneur #lupuswarrior #multiplesclerosis #multiplestreamsofincome