@justhaleyhomes: Don't come at me but share your opinion! There are definitely times when I think curtains hung to the ceiling look great. In this case, I actually think I could have hung the curtains to the ceiling & it would have looked fine. This ceiling is 9 feet, but there is a radiator pipe blocking me from hanging them at 108”, so I chose to go with 95”. Where I don’t like it is when the gap between the curtain height & the window looks too big. I would say no more than 10” above the window frame. Also, long curtains can get expensive!!! Common Curtain Pannel Lengths: 63” 84” 95” 108” #interiordecorator #interiordecorating #interiordecoratingideas #interiordecoratingtips #howtohangcurtains #curtainhanging