@grangersmith: This might be nonsense to some, but hear me out. Pride is arguably the most serious sin. The earliest sin, the first of the 7 deadly sins, the essence of ALL sin. In the Bible, there is nothing God hates more than pride. John Stott wrote, “Pride is the greatest enemy and humility our greatest friend.” So, that said, why would we tell our kids that we’re “proud” of them? You might say, that’s different! But is it? Listen to the clip from the pod and let me know your thoughts. Should we not take this seriously even in our language? I think so! I’m not talking about genuine appreciation, love and encouragement. I’m talking about self-serving pride. #grangersmithpodcast ep255
Granger Smith
Region: US
Monday 23 September 2024 23:48:31 GMT
postpucio55 :
“Dad, why have you never said you’re proud of me?” “Son, I have a semantics issue with that.”
2024-09-25 12:56:25
Joan :
strongly disagree. You should always be extremely proud of your kids. They are part of you.
2024-09-24 07:36:37
Kenneth Caubble :
In Mere Christianity, CS Lewis makes the distinction between sinful pride and a word we call pride that actually simply means having a sweet adoration for someone. Like a parent to child.
2024-09-25 00:52:46
gina :
So well explained. 💯💯💯
2024-09-23 23:52:58
Gloria Hurley :
To be someone who wasn’t ever told by my dad he was proud of me, I disagree. Sometimes their best effort & preserving through something they don’t like & continue to do so deserves a “I’m proud”
2024-09-24 13:05:11
Gina :
your awesome my friend
2024-09-24 01:39:11
Jenna :
I completely disagree. Growing up, I longed for my parents to be proud of me and to tell me they were proud of me. They told other people they were proud of me but never told me. I tell my kids mostly when it’s just us. They deserve to know that we are proud of them. It has nothing to do with how they make me look
2024-09-24 07:14:05
Tawnya🫶🏼your helpful bestie :
Wow, I’ve never ever thought of it this way. But you a right, thank you!
2024-09-24 00:03:52
Alivia Snow :
I’m 46 years old. My dad told me recently how proud of me he is. Those words were exactly what I needed hear. It doesn’t matter what the root should mean. It matters what we all want to hear it!
2024-09-30 13:09:26
Danielle :
My 15 year old was questioning this. He said we shouldn't say proud anymore or proud of ourselves.
2024-09-24 04:46:10
klemponen :
My grandmother always says “pleased” instead of proud. It’s profound
2024-09-26 01:50:51
Ashley Rebecca :
Ya lost me on this one.
2024-09-24 17:57:12
Sarah Elsea :
Wow! Something to really think about ❤️
2024-09-24 02:11:12
Michelle Bolden :
As someone who never heard I’m proud of yuou from a parent I can tell you it hurt me more profoundly. So I never miss a chance to say I’m proud of you to my kids. You are way off here.
2024-09-30 06:57:44
Buck momma :
Wow, never thought of it like that. So true
2024-09-24 04:46:10
user4559275880609 :
I like Granger. Think he’s stretching here and making something deeper than it is. To each their own though.
2024-09-24 11:43:29
Jessica Rambin :
Soo good.
2024-09-24 20:40:32
CurlMorris :
Never thought of it that way. Thanks for pointing this out and sharing your thoughts.
2024-09-24 12:41:45
UncleBuckys5.3 :
hey granger, do you think if you want a relationship to work bad enough then it will? i love your podcast it helpes me through my days thank you🙏
2024-09-24 01:02:42
4322247188qq :
Dang my dad was really onto something.
2024-09-24 23:28:33
Tactical K :
As a school teacher I tell at least one kid every day that I am proud of them. Not for me but for them to know they did well and someone noticed
2024-09-26 02:50:28
Sam Redfearn :
Dude, I totally just had this exact conversation with my wife. You are so right.
2024-09-24 01:00:31
mpf8 :
100% tell your children you love them and are proud of them and they should be proud of themselves as well! He is looking too much into this word.
2024-09-24 10:43:52
I respectfully disagree.
2024-09-27 00:32:35
THE Mothman :
bro... you're stretching...
2024-09-25 04:22:55
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