@flowhive_official: Repost from @meggrowsplants 🌸 I’m honestly so happy with my @flowhive being a first year beekeeper. This is the first major issue I have run into with my hive on my beekeeping journey- the varroa mite. During my first mite count, I noticed extremely high numbers of mites, and knew I needed to treat straightaway. Knowing that I cannot have the honey super on for treatment, I knew I needed to harvest. This honey harvesting process was so easy and only took about 15-20 minutes whereas with a different hive set up, it could have taken the entire day. I hate that I am having to take this honey at an unexpected time, but the health of the colony is more important, and I think they’ll have plenty of time to store up again before winter. I can always supplement them if needed! #flowhive #flowhivebeekeeping #beekeeping #backyardbees #honeyharvest #honeybees #gardening #gardeninspiration #gardenlove