@zoraidasolo: ✨ Wonder what it’s like editing three anthologies with your bestie? In 2020, floating in a gulf coast pool, we came up with the idea that would become VAMPIRES NEVER GET OLD. Our goal was to take familiar magical beings and give them a global twist. We wanted to see vampires from different points of view. Next came MERMAIDS NEVER DROWN and now it’s time for FAERIES NEVER LIE! These last 4 years have been a magical blur full of impossible worlds and wonderful stories. There’s truly something for everyone. From wild hunts and enchanted forests to historical settings and far away shores. Down to the Big Easy and a return of the Folk of the Air books. Seriously. Faeries everywhere! Celebrate with us by sharing this post 🍀✨🌙🦋🍄🐛 #faeriesneverlie #authorlife #annamariemclemore #hollyblack #dhonielleclayton #rorypower #ryanlasala #kaitlynsagepatterson #christineday #llmckinney #kwamembalia #nafizaazad #tessagratton #chloegong