@serenitylifedoula: 😰Scared of tearing?! Tearing during #childbirth is a huge fear for expecting moms! . 💯Let’s be real…a #baby body seems way bigger than the #birth canal exit. Believe it or not...babies mold to fit through the birth canal! YES you may tear or NO you may not tear. . Tissues tearing depend on many things: 〰️Your body’s #birthing position. 〰️Pushing too hard, too fast. 〰️Baby has a hand or elbow up by face at birth. 〰️Baby position at birth. 〰️Elasticity of the perineum and vaginal tissues. 〰️Diet through #pregnancy 〰️Assisted delivery methods. 〰️Pelvic floor anatomy 〰️Rushing through birth, not allowing tissues to stretch. . There are perineum support options you can discuss with your provider at time of delivery to help reduce the chances of tearing: Perineum Support Option1️⃣Perineal massage as baby moves down with oil by your provider Perineum Support Option2️⃣Warm compress on the perineum during crowning with slow quick breathes . Get more options on how not to tear birthing your baby at my #naturalbirth workshop… #TrainforBirth 👉🏼trainforbirth.com