@thelocalinnterior: You've definitely heard some type of renovation-related horror stories - ranging from poor quality to extreme delays. While mistakes and problems usually likely to arise during the course of renovation, what sets companies apart is the accountability and ability to compromise and rectify without a change in quality. This new series aims to show the realities of worksites through the eyes of our ID’s kids while keeping it lighthearted and fun! While give the kids a little tour (and work) through our various sites, you may just catch a glimpse of one of your homes! Stay tuned for more episodes, so keep your eyes peeled 👀 #thelocalinnterior #新家室 #interiordesign #interiordesignsg #interiordesigner #interiorstyling #qanvast #bto #hdb #homedecor #homestyling #homestyle #living #Lifestyle #interior #interiorsg #homesg #sghome #室内设计 #室内 #colorfulhome #aesthetic #homedesign #officedesign #sgreno #homereno #sginterior #sgid #homerenovation