@chinezeslife: exhale. it's safe here. you don't realize how much tension you're carrying until you finally let go. lately, i've become hyper-aware of those moments when i'm wound tight. and i've learned that having a safe space - my home - is crucial. freeing. with evenings coming sooner these days, nighttime has become my sanctuary. when darkness falls, i create an environment where i can truly unload. feel everything, but feel warm and cozy doing so. when the soft lights come on, that's when i feel most me. most at home in my own skin. it's when the playlist takes over. or the book. or the late night shoot. this shoot? it's capturing that vibe. that warm, safe cocoon i build for myself every day. where i can just be. natural. unfiltered. taking deep breaths and letting it all go. feeling the weight lift with each exhale. this is week 38/52 of #selfportraitsundays - exhale #selfportraitideas #selfportrait #takingpicturesalone #tripodphotoshoot #diyphotoshoot #selfportraits