@cspanofficial: Former Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-GA) on Friday praised Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) for his patience in dealing with “idiots” within the Republican conference who continuously vote against him. “I could never do what Mike Johnson is doing,” Mr. Gingrich said at a Capitol event marking the 30th anniversary of his “Contract with America” that’s credited with sweeping Republicans into the majority in the 1994 election. “I can lead a charge. I am pretty good on offense. The amount of time he has to spend listening to idiots is beyond me,” he said. “We were lucky because we had a large enough majority both times, 230 and 236, that you could have eight or 10 people go off the reservation and you’re still gonna win,” he continued. “But you try it when you realize there are at least 14 Republicans who wake up every morning and say, ‘I’m voting no, what’s the topic?’ it’s almost impossible.” #speakerofthehouse #newtgingrich #mikejohnson #cspan