@thecollinskids: What if I’m an old mom or dad and my younger children or future children don’t get the best me? Many people stop having children because they don’t want to be old parents. They feel like their children will be getting a lesser version of themselves. To which I reply that the opposite is in fact true. They might not get the better physical you with all the energy in the world but they’ll get the more sanctified you. The more patient. The more wise. The more mature. The more loving you. I become a better parent with each new year. I love Gods design! Our children will always be blessed by us as we walk with Christ and will always be a blessing to us. And let’s say children are born and their parents die in a freak accident. Or that a parent is old, sick, or disabled? Will they wish they were never born? No! We can’t base our future children’s value on our mortal and flawed thoughts and feelings. Or even on temporary seasons. Are we having them for us? Or for Yahuahs bigger picture, calling and purpose? #faith #family #children #hiswillnotours #noregrets #11sofar #justbeginning