@kevinjdebruin: EUROPA FILE E22 Pioneer 10 and 11 passed through the Jovian system in the early 1970s providing only distant images of Europa. In 1979, Voyager 1 and 2 provided the first close-up images of Europa, revealing a complex surface with ridges and cracks. 1995 - 2003: Galileo does 12 close flybys of Europa, providing strong evidence for a subsurface ocean. Cassini’s 2001 Jupiter flyby provided UVIS the opportunity to directly measure the environment near Europa. New Horizons imaged Europa in 2007 while flying by on its way to Pluto. The Hubble Space Telescope found intriguing evidence of plumes in 2012. Juno flew by Europa in 2022 at a distance of 352 km (219 mi). In 2023, JWST Finds Carbon Source on the Surface of Jupiter’s Moon Europa. Launching in 2024 is Europa Clipper, the first dedicated mission to study the moon Europa. #europa #europaclipper #europafiles #europaicebath #europaphile