@amourhairvideos: THE BENEFITS OF GUA SHA: 1. Enhances blood circulation 2.Stimulates Hair Follicles 3. Balances Scalp Oil Production 4. Reduces Stress An ancient Chinese practice with a history spanning centuries, gua sha has long been associated with promoting well-being. However, only recently has the Western world recognised its potential as a health-boosting modality. As its beauty benefits become better understood, gua sha is being explored for its positive impact on scalp health. Proponents (including me!) believe that by incorporating regular gua sha scalp massage into your routine, you can boost hair health and subsequent growth for more lustrous locks #guasha #naturalhairgrowth #hairgrowthtips #lowporosityhair #naturalhair #hairtransformation #haircare #naturalhaircommunity #longhair #guashatutorial