@swissteo888: #热门话题 新加坡国务资政李显龙-新加坡需要诚信政治和品格永恒。 Singapore's Senior Minister Lee Hsien Loong - Singapore needs politics of integrity and eternal character. 新加坡政府和高层不能有任何不法行为的重要性。我们需要诚实的政治家,也需要能够辨别诚实与否的选民。我们同意徐顺全博士所说的'声誉暂时,品格永恒'这一观点。 It is important that Singapore's government and high-level officials do not commit any illegal acts. We need honest politicians and voters who can discern honesty. We agree with Dr. Cher Soon Juan point that "reputation is temporary, character is eternal." #fyp #反腐败 #诚信政治 #品格永恒 #Anticorruption #PoliticsofIntegrity #EternalCharacter